Mr Manchester

Lots of folk seemed to enjoy the 'Manchester' theme on Monday night which we decided to do as a tribute to the music mogul, . Tony had been suffering from kidney cancer and died on Friday aged 57.
Get It On regular, Neil Martin was among one of the many listeners who wrote. "I was at the James concert on Friday evening" said Neil, "where they announced that Tony Wilson had died. I was a bit taken aback, and was really rather sad to hear it.
"Tim Booth paid handsome tribute to Tony Wilson, saying that he (Tony) had never bad mouthed them, even when they left him, and this struck me as a key feature of him. I may be wrong, but I don't recall him being publicly disparaging about too many, if any. He was always so incredibly positive about bands, and that may well have been what lead him to bring so many acts to everyone's attention."
I realise that the last minute change of theme didn't suit everyone. Those of you who were expecting 1967 night should tune in this Monday and we'll do it then. Last word goes to Neil...
"I think that it is a good thing to react occasionally to news items, but would ask that you give us a bit of pre-warning, ie you could announce that the following night's theme was changing. This would give the likes of us, who generally drive during the show, the chance to contribute as normally the only way to contribute during the show would require to pull over and write some three word text."