Eddie Mair of 91Èȱ¬ Radio 4 wants your postcodes mashedup
As participatory culture expands, we're finding more and more uses of mashups in places we'd never expected. 91Èȱ¬ Radio 4 is not exactly the place you would expect mashups but recently Eddie Mair asked his listeners to send in their postcodes, so he could plot them on a Google Map for all to see.
This week, on our sister programme PM we're launching a brand new experiment.
All you need to know is the postcode you're in when you listen to PM. If you're travelling when we're on the air, we'll happily accept your best guess as to your postcode, or the rough location. If you're overseas, try the local postcode or zipcode.
You're probably wondering what we're going to do with this information. Well, on iPM on Saturday we're going to start to build a map showing where people are listening to PM.
Then just email your postcode to this address: ipm@bbc.co.uk Please put POSTCODE in the subject line.
After Eddie and the team start work on their mashup, they will be releasing the same data (more that 10,000 postcodes) under the backstage license for all you backstagers to create even better mashups, widgets or even visualisations. Who knows what could be done with a GPS, Radio 4 stream and this audience aggregated Geodata?