CRID finding for bookmarking and tagging
If there were an easy way to find out CRIDs, such as a bookmarklet that generated a popup search screen, then this would enable them to be freely spread around in the same way that URIs are.
This is the scenario. I want to blog about last night's Spooks. I click on the button in my browser toolbar and up pops a dialog with fields for programme title and a rough timeframe ("in the last week"). It returns a URI which is copied to the clipboard.
I can then paste this in my blog post. I can make it a link to or Technorati so that I can tag the programme. Blog search tools could find who else is talking about the same series or programme.
It would also facilitate the linking of programme/series websites to the episodes. The page for last night's Spooks could embed it's CRID so that it takes ownership of that programme.
If I had the time I'd do a bit of Perl to do the searching. Once you've got the CRID then the rest is up to the public.