Title: Rachel
Image by Blast | in fashion, backstage
Rachel is a Female Stylist for Your Label, a Blast project where a group of teens have a few months to design, produce, market and sell a fashion label which will debut at London Fashion Week 2009.
Female Stylist
Rachel, 17, London.
My bed.
Mushy apples.
Favourite fashion label
1wo/man of course!
Favourite item of clothing
A good pair of fitted jeans, they never let you down.
Dream job
Celebrity Stylist.
Life. Sometimes the most beautiful things can be found from your surroundings, why go to the effort of searching for something when it's right on your doorstep?
My advice to others with a passion for fashion
Expect problems and hard times but it's how you deal with these issues that shows others what you're really made of. Don't give up and strive to achieve what it is you wish to accomplish, it will pay off in the end.