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Kissing Pudsey

Children in Need '07

This year Children in Need took place on Friday 16th November. Here are some of the things you've told us you've done to raise money.

Batman fundraiser

Batman fundraising at the Wulfrun Shopping Centre

Children in Need took place on Friday 16th November '07. Every year people do crazy fun things to raise money and this year was no exception.

Take a look below at the things people from the Black Country did to raise money for Children in Need.

You can also see a picture round-up on the 91热爆 Birmingham site.

How much was raised

You've done it again! The British public have beaten all previous records, raising a staggering 拢19,089,771 for 91热爆 Children in Need, topping last year's total of 拢18.3 million.

And there is still more to come as the money continues to pour in from the thousands of fundraising events already held, or scheduled to happen.

The West Midlands has helped to raise more than one and a half million pounds of that total, so well done to all the fundraisers.

Don't forget you can still send in pictures of your fundraising event.

last updated: 17/11/07

Have Your Say

What are you doing for Children in Need?

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Brindley Heath Junior School, Kinver
It's us again! Our SILLY SOCKS assembly caused a big stink when we all took our shoes off BUT we did raise 拢184.54.. A great idea from the kids on the School Council.

Computeach International Ltd
We have raised 拢350 so far for Children In Need by auctioning our staff as slaves (!) and doing a fancy dress competition.

Class 9 at Woden Primary School in Wolverhampton
At school today we have worn our own clothes and raised money by paying a pound.We have researched Children in Need and looked at the stories of children we will be helping.

Julie Harding at Tameside Primary
We have been raising money all this week for 91热爆 CIN and so far have raised 拢1350 and still counting. Please put Tameside on the ticker tape on tonights show. thankyou Julie x

Brindley Heath Junior School, Kinver
Pupils and staff are making a donation to wear SILLY SOCKS for the day and waggle them in the air in assembly.

Fun 4 kidz nursery
We are having a Pudsey pirate day where all children & staff dress as Pudsey pirates.We are doing a sponsored walk dressed as pirates and having a Pudsey party and treasure hunt.

Mercedes-Benz of Wolverhampton
Hosting a supercar rally with 拢2 million-worth of vehicles on show (5pm to 7.30pm Weds 14 Nov) with auction for Children in Need

Ian Edwards
Having a Northern Soul Night in Bilston,all tickets gone,and had a raffle for weekend car hire raised 拢2,000 so far,we have JENNY WILKES WM,and MARY FOX,91热爆 RADIO STOKE,keep the faith PUDSEY.

heantun foyer
working with the wolverhampton adult education sevice, the staff are dressing up in different fancy dress outfits and collecting loadza money!!! hopefully!!

Kewford Eagles FC Under 6's
On Saturday 17th November 2-3.30pm we will be donating all the proceeds from the Under 6's Feeder Group training session. There will be a bbq, refreshments and a balloon race. Training for this age group is held every Saturday at The May McMaster Scout Ground, Wall Heath,2-3.30pm. For more information or to see photos from our Children in Need day 2006 please visit our website, www.kewfordeagles.co.uk.

Rebecca Saunders
This year for CIN our nursery (First Steps Nursery in Smethwick)will all be dressing in our pyjamas and takin donations from the community and doing activities throughout the day

We did a 50MILE bike ride and at the moment have raised about 80pounds! We had a great time and got really muddy and a bit fitter at the same time! Hoping to raise lots more money. lots of love becky&izzy xx

St James Primary School, Brownhills.
Gunge a Teacher - a teacher will be gunged on friday and we will be having non uniform day where children wear spotty/stripey clothes.

im raising money selling cakes

stacey and linda from asda dudley
doing a screenwash at petrol station dressed as pudseys! go the girls!!!!!

kat and cher
kat is having my hair cut and cher is doing a sponsered silence!

Lee Slater
Calling all Wolves fans!!!!On Friday 16th November, two football forums go head to head at Willenhall Town Football Club.. Members from The-Wolf and Molineux Mix will battle it out for charity in aid of Children in Need.. Many members doing there bit to raise as much money as we can.. The main event is the match its self which will kick-off @ 7.45 under the floodlights at Willenhall Town each player paying 拢10 to play, also planned for the evening are, football cards, raffle, auction plus more... If you fancy coming down to do your bit its 拢1 for adults, 50p for kids (UNDER 16) For more info see www.the-wolf.co.uk

Hannah Burton
I am doing......a cake saleanda fancy dress contest

Curly Watts Cup
Stubbs will be there - and hes gona score loadsa goals

how much did you raise

Treetops Nursery Milking Bank
we at the nursery are having a wacky hat day and odd sock day along with a 10 hour stepathon for the staff top keep then nice and fit we are raising a lot of money at the moment hoping to raise lots more.

Further Options ( West Midlands) Walsall
All staff will be showing off their fancy footwork in a three hour salsathon. Family and friends have been invited to join in the fun and offer support. All proceeds will go to children in need.

The staff at avery Weigh-Tronix
We've had a 'Bring a Bear Day', where staff brought in their favourite teddies to sit on their desks all day. We've just counted in the last penny and have raised 拢265.00

Lickhill Middle School, Stourport on Severn, Worce
We have had a 'Wear Pyjamas to School Day' today. Children and Teachers came in their PJ's and children also made cakes and various items to sell at break time. So far we have raised 拢187.37 and counting.

Beacon House care home for the blind
Staff and residents have dressed in pugsy pjs and have ventures all around the Beacon Centre for the Blind site

Emma Harris
All staff in Public Lighting Energy Services are having a fancy dress day. We have Emergency Services, Wacky Doctors, Mechanics, People donning theyre PJ'S and St Trinians and Bashstreet Kids all donating a couple of quid to look fantasically silly for a good cause!!! Thanks to everyone!!!

katie emma stacey dayna naomi
we aredoing a sponsered walk dressed as naughty school girls!!!!!!

Jackie Portman
Hob Green Primary School in Pedmore, Stourbridge are having a day of "mix up" the children will be dressed in "odd" clothes. Odd Socks, shoes, anything goes for the day. Lots of fun and for a great cause.

im dressin up as a cowgirl to go to college and im asking people to sponsor me

fun 4 kidz nursery in wolverhampton
we are doing a sponsored treasure hunt with the children and all of the staff are being sponsored to come to work with a "just got out of bed look" wearing pyjamas having wild hair and wearing their pudsey ears

Jaz Gharu
having a food day at work on friday. everyone will pick a country and bring in food relating to that country. everyone who is taking part will be donating between 拢5 to 拢10 each.

Kewford Eagles FC Under 6's
We will be holding a mini tournament on Saturday 18th. All subs from the day will be donated. Also there will be tea,coffee and a barbecue. The proceeds from these will also be donated.Thank you to all the players and parents for their support!!!!

Hazel Wallis
We are a Complementary Therapy Centre in Stourport and the therapists have all agreed to offer treatments on Friday for donations to Children in Need. We have teamed up with our local Co-Op store and will be offering some of our therapies in the foyer of the store as well as at our Centre - 2-n-able Wellness, 11 New Street Stourport

The Wolverhampton Adult Education Service
The Wolverhampton Adult Education Service are collecting money in support of 'Children in Need'. Christian Morgan - Information Advice and Guidance dressed up as a 'Lady' today and will continue to do so until further notice. Kerry Richards - Curriculum administration - is now Cat Woman, both have been walking round the college collecting kind donations from Staff and Students, Money raised so far 拢300. Darren Maher - Mathematics co-odinator has been collecting money at a bring and buy sale in the Foyer building cafeteria. Many kind donations of bric-a-brac - have been received including some hand made cuddly toys donated by the textiles department. Darren Maher was so taken by Christian in his fine feminine attire, he will be joining him Thursday 16th and Friday 17th November, they will make two mighty fine 'Ladies' : Kerry, Christian and Darren will continue collecting around the college. Dan Bates an Access to H.E. Art and Design Student is having his head shaved for the event and Christian Morgan is having some wild and whacky hair colour. This will take place in a section of the Cafeteria. The cafeteria will also be selling specially made Pudsey cakes, and selling Pudsey calendars. Wolverhampton Adult Education Service Old Hall Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 3AU 01902 558180

At our school we will be holding a bring and buy a raffle and a guess the teddy bear name competition

yr 9 wodensborough ctc wednesbury
we have done a sponsored silence, a beauty room, washed windows,non uniform day, penalty shoot out and we will have baby photos of the teachers -guess the teacher event on Friday

laura oldaker
I will be cuttin my hair really short not even long enough to put in a pony tale

Phil Bateman MBE
Travel Midland Metro staff will be involved in a 'tram pull' likely to be the only event of its kind taking place in the UK

Natalie Smith
"CHARITY BEGINS AT THE BOWL....................... We will be doing a 24 hour bowlathon in aid of children in need on Friday 17th November. This will take place at AMF Bowling Express, Birmingham Road, Wolverhampton WV2 3LW,tenpinpin bowling for chariy....

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