Mermen, and mermaids, became popular as tourist souvineers as in the late 1800s and were traditionally made in China. Our Merman (affectionately known as Herman), was hand made from the body of monkey, a wooden core, and the tail end of a fish. These particular types of mermen are known as 'Feejee Mermaids' and grew in popularity after PT Barnum exhibited his Merman in London in 1859. The Hartlepool Merman is similar to the one presented by PT Barnum, particularly in style and positioning.
Hartlepool had several merman folklore, dating back to 1860's off the cliffs of the town moor. Hartlepool shipbuilders were also called 'Aquatic Monkeys' when they were dressed to go to important meetings in London, adding to the myths about Mermen in Hartlepool.
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