Toy tinplate 'DREADNOUGHT' battleship, made in Germany for the British market.
This toy was made about 1906 or just after. HMS Dreadnought, launched 1906, was a powerful heavy-gunned battleship which set the standard for the largest naval battleships before the First World War. Its launch started an arms race with all the major powers, including Germany, rushing to build Dreadnought-type ships.
Ironic then that this toy was made in Germany for the British market.
Although a rather crude representation of HMS Dreadnought, this toy would have been very popular. It had a clockwork mechanism driving an eccentric shaft, making it rise and fall like a ship on the sea as it was pushed along.
Harrison Collection/ Ryedale Folk Museum - The Ryedale Folk Museum in North Yorkshire is currently raising funds to house this nationally important collection. You can give money to help the project at -
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