This originates from Germany in the 1930s, and includes 'trodels'. These would have been strapped around the wearer to keep the sword secure. The sword is made of antler, wood and leather. It would have been presented to a member of the Forestry or Gamekeeper commission - the labour corp of the Third Reich.
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> Exact memory against the contempt of human beings <
- Holocaust Remembrance Day - 27th of January -
The Jewish author Elie Wiesel, who escaped as young man the torture of Auschwitz, said: "Only the exact memory stops the insanity."
The memory of the victims has to be exact and how they had become victims.
We have to percept this insanity that started on the 30th of January 1933 and ended on the 8th of May 1945. During that period of time, the human dignity has been taken away little by little leading to the contempt of human beings.
How does this affect us today?
The memory has to be even more exact if it is addressed against us on the Holocaust Remembrance day. Exact memory and analysis of our time from the perspective of the victims of Nazi violence and the victims of today´s tyranny are closely connected to each other.
Our mourning should not become a calming event of political correctness only on a certain point of time, but includes an obligation to prevent violations of the human dignity now and in the future.
Therefore we need meetings and institutions to communicate this.
I recall in this context the work of remembrance in Germany:
- of the Berlin "Monument for the murdered Jews of Europe" and its documentation centre
- the "Jewish Museum" of Berlin
- the "Documentation Centre" of Nuremburg
However, there were also Germans that resisted the Nazi violence and died for their resistance. Sophie Scholl, a young woman of the White Rose resistance movement in Munich, said: "There has to be someone that begins to resist."
This statement also includes an accusation to all Germans that delibertaley backed the Nazi dictatorship. It is not easy for the generation of old Germans to look at their own cowardice between 1933 and 1945. They went for the empty and false promises of the Nazis entirely built on irrational and unjustified prejudice.
We today are therefore soory for all victims that lost their lives in the context of WWII or still suffer from painful wounds in their biographies.