This edition of the Book of Common Prayer is dated 1638 and was printed by Thomas Buck and Roger Daniel from the University of Cambridge Press. This was penultimate edition before a revision was made law in 1662 by James I - and that version is still in use by the Church of England today. It was owned by the Church Warden at St Mary's Church in Hull, which is the oldest licensed church in Hull.
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The dog-earedness of this Book of Common Prayer is a wonderful representation of use and familiarity: books like this have been part of the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of English-speaking people since 1549. Its beautiful words have been spoken on their Sundays, holy days, marriage days and burial days. It was officially superseded by Common Worship in 2000. In the marriage service I notice that the BCP ?and thereto I plight thee my troth? has been replaced by the CW ?In the presence of God I make this vow.? The earlier is richer, more intimate ? you promise to your spouse, you don?t simply make a vow in the presence of the deity. We don?t fully understand the words, the same way at this point in a marriage we probably don?t understand our spouse, or ourselves ? if we ever do. Who says that everything in life is understandable? Yes, I know the words are almost humorous these days, but don?t they also sit at the edges of our consciousness, for us to think about over and over, for ever and ever? (From
I never understand why it is not taught that in marriage the the man and woman themselves are the ministers of the marriage.It is they who make their vows to each other, not to God or a priest.It just so happens that the clergy are also regarded as registrars in these isles. Apart from the spending large sum of money on all the secular show, the reason for appearing in church, is to receive Gods blessing on the couple who have already made their vows before two witnesses. That could take place any time before, in the vicarage or the local register office. This is a requirement of the state not the church, and was originally concerned with property rights. It would be good if the church had kept its nose out it except to pronounce God's blessing if requested.
marriage and the law has changed drastically in this country over recent years.Many had viewed the ceremony in church as the word of God, but now we are told it comes from the prayer book and not the Bible, although of course there will always be those who would wish to have God's blessing on their marriage.We also have many cultures in this country now whose marriage has been in their own culture.We have men who have quite legally brought multiple wives into the country as they were married in a country where it is legal.And we now have same sex marriages with the "one man and one woman" being changed to accommodate it.And so, with all this in mind what, I wonder are the chances of Britain scrapping the Bigamy law?I am told that it exists solely for the purpose of keeping a check on the population, and for reasons of inheritance.