My grandad wrote a diary to show my mum and aunties what life was like for him, from start to finish. It shows how he worked and lived and what it was like when he lived in India as a child and why he moved to England.
I have entered this object because it tells a great story about his life, and it is so precious to me and my family because it really does tell me a lot about my great, great grandad's 'LIFE AND TIMES'. I never knew him but after reading his diary it feels like I have known him all of my life. The way my grandad lived is so different to what I am used to. THE DIFFERENCES ARE : He had servants we dont, he didn't go to school because he had a private tutor (how cool), we go to school with everyone else!
I think my artefact will add to the history of the world challenge because
it provides knowledge and encourages understanding about a different culture and a different time!
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